In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) with Micro Chips

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) with Micro Chips

However, the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) with microchips which have been recently developed and improved at a significant rate, has provided considerable help for several couples to have a baby. The use of the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) with micro chips method, developed by a Turkish scientist at Harvard University, is becoming increasingly widespread worldwide.

A significant increase in pregnancy rates was observed with sperm selection by micro chips. In IVF treatment, it is possible with the micro chips method to determine the sperms, which don't have distorted DNA structure and using those sperms with micro injection. In this way, higher quality embryos can be developed and successful results can be obtained at high rates. This method has not been available in all IVF centers since it has recently become widespread. It is used in clinics that follow innovations in IVF.

  • In in vitro fertilization (IVF) with the micro chips method, the selection of healthy sperm is provided for DNA. Sperm chips that consist of micro canals, helps to resolution of the quality sperm that doesn't have disorders in DNA. Unhealthy and DNA disordered sperms are collected in one side and healthy and not damaged ones are in the other side. In other words, better pregnancy results are obtained with embryos brought from the sperm line by using healthy sperm. With these embryos, the chances of pregnancy are greatly increased.
  • In vitro fertilization (IVF) with micro chips has created a revolution in overcoming male infertility. The advantage of using a microchip is to increase the rate of apprehension of pregnancies when the number of sperm is low. The sperms that do not have DNA problems, and are used in the treatment of in vitro fertilization with a microchip will reduce the possibility of chromosomal problems in the formed embryo. So the embryo's womb attachment rate will increase, and therefore the chances of pregnancy will be higher. Besides, babies are born healthy.