Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

What are the benefits of PGD?

1- Increases the chance of success of in vitro fertilization 2. Increases the rate of clinical pregnancy. 3- Reduces miscarriage risk during pregnancy. 4- Reduces requirement of medical termination of pregnancy. 5- Reduces multiple pregnancy rate. 6- Reduces the economic and psychological problems caused by repeated failed IVF (test tube baby) trials.

How is PGD test done?

If there is case for you that requires a PGD test, your doctor will propose you this test.

Selection of healthy embryos requires some processes:

Biopsy is applied to your embryos on the 3rd or 5th day. This process does not harm to your embryos.

Genetic test results of embryos come out, in fresh trials, on the 4th or 5th day. In trophectoderm biopsies, all embryos are frozen and then transferred.

Embryos determined to be healthy are reported in order to be transferred to the mother.

The transfer of embryos that are healthy and do not carry the sought disease launches healthy pregnancy of mother.

We do not harm to your embryos with safe PGD application and our experienced staff.

The used biopsy techniques and the experience of laboratory staff play a very important role in embryo development after biopsy. The fact that the clinical, embryological and genetic laboratories are at high standards is one of the leading factors affecting the results.

It is necessary to take a cell sample from each of the patient embryos in order to perform a preimplantation genetic diagnosis. It is almost unlikely that the embryos will be damaged during PGD application (the damage rate was determined to be 0.3%). Although it varies according to the method used, it is known that the probability of the PGT test to give an erroneous result is around 2%.

Who should PGD be applied to?

1. To the women aged 35 and over 2. To couples whose pregnancies were not achieved despite the administration of two or more IVF treatment (test tube baby) 3. To couples who lived recurrent early pregnancy losses (miscarriages) (different from trans-location carrier reason) 4. To the balanced trans-location carrier couples 5. To the persons who have risk in terms of some single gene diseases, which its diagnosis is possible, such as Familial Mediterranean anemia, Sickle Cell Anemia, Cystic fibrosis, SMA. 6. Selection of HLA-compatible embryos with family members 7. To couples who had a child with a genetic disease in previous pregnancies 8. To mothers having aneuploidy (chromosomal abnormalities) pregnancy history 9. To gonadal mosaicism cases (the genetic test results of couples are normal in spite of having two or more babies with identical abnormalities) 10. TESA cases (cases associated with severe male infertility) 11. Poor responders (cases that respond insufficiently to the hyper-stimulation protocol) 12. In terms of diseases related to the X chromosome, if the mentioned disease's genetic diagnosis can not be done directly, embryonal sex determination is done.

PGD in Single Gene Diseases: Single gene diseases are genetic diseases that result from impairment of functions of the units that we call "gene" encoded on our DNA. It is well known that these kinds of genetic diseases increase when couples are relatives.

Because of the high proportion of consanguineous marriages in our country, it is very important to diagnose such diseases in the prenatal period (prenatal diagnosis) and even in the embryo stage (preimplantation diagnosis). It is possible to determine pre-implantation period diagnoses of all single gene diseases that can be recognized in postnatal or prenatal period.

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis of single gene diseases depend on single-cell DNA analysis. We have already done PGD for over 150 single gene diseases such as cystic fibrosis, thalassemia, SMA. In addition to diseases in our panel, we are able to design PGD at our center for every genetic disease which its diagnosis is possible.