A Happy Future with In Vitro Fertilization

A Happy Future with In Vitro Fertilization

With this method of raising the success rate to about 50-60 percent, many women who have failed to become pregnant are more hopeful for the future. The Era Test is one of the most discussed topics on the site of the Women's Club. Many women who have experience agree that is works. You can also have more detailed information about the Era test in our clinic.

Reasonable Prices

The Era Test is one of the newest methods with aims that every woman needs to have the possibility to have a child. Such methods are generally tried as the last resort by couples. To perform the Era test, women should have tried the in vitro fertilization method 3 of 4 times and must fail it. It is a method that increases the success rate of the IVF method. Approximately 328 different DNA analyzes performers in the Era method, which is one of the most important developments in the last 10 years.

As seen in the Era Test Women's Club, it is a technique developed as a solution for the embryo, cannot be held during the IVF treatment. This technique works on the best embryos even for women who have failed to transfer 4 quality embryos.

Sperm Donation at a Reasonable Price

Many women in the Era Test Women's Club talk about the high cost of this technique. This is not true. By using the right quality techniques, you can solve your problem with reasonable prices.

We have already helped many couples in Turkey and many other countries. The success which cannot be obtained by quality sperm transplantation may increase to higher rates using the Era test method. If you have a problem such that the embryo cannot be held to the uterus, you may follow these kinds of new scientific methods. Your success rate through these methods is raising. Age and uterus and embryo quality are the factors that affect the success of the Era Test. Especially, it should be known that the egg quality of a young girl at the age of 20 and a woman at 40 is not the same. You can either deal with your problems easily through the right solutions for the right patients.